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the history of blogger

Blogger or Blogspot what is now familiar among bloggers. This free blog service providers are large corporations that compete with WordPress so that it can be said is the number one provider of free blog most in demand in the world. Here's the history of the Blogger:

Blogger is actually a blog publishing system (blog publishing system) that was originally created by Pyra Labs in August 23, 1999 and is a dedicated blog-publishing tool that was first intended to help popularize the format.

In Februari2003, due to its popularity, eventually Pyra Labs was acquired by Google. This acquisition constitutes the major features of the premium previously charged, and then changed for free.

In 2004, Google introduced its new service "Picasa", namely an application for organizing and editing digital photos. These services are then integrated in photo sharing utility Hello into Blogger, allowing a Blogger users to post their pictures made ​​in your blog.

On May 9, 2004, "Blogger" redesign of its main display, the various changes made ​​in Blogger to add various features such as web standards-compliant templates, individual archive pages for posts, comments and posting menggunankan email.

On 14 August 2006, "Blogger" launched the latest release in the "beta version" with code "Invader", in conjunction with the release of Gold version. This Blogger users make the migration to Google servers and is accompanied by the addition of some "new features" in it.

In December 2006, the latest version of Blogger is finally no longer in "beta" and the "month of May 2007", Blogger had completely moved to Google servers.

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